Search: Schwäbisch Hall


Häuserfront mit Neubausaal; Foto: Nico Kurth
Neues Globe im Unterwöhrd; Foto: Nico Kurth
Historische Häuserfront
Rathaus Schwäbisch Hall


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Searched for "schwabisch".
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Schwäbisch Hall - an overview of its history The hills above the valley of the river Kocher were already settled in the Neolithic Age (5th millennium BC). In place of the later town of Schwäbisch Hall [...] Stadtarchiv Schwäb. Hall D 11078) First printed view of Schwäbisch Hall, about 1580 (Signatur: Stadtarchiv Schwäb. Hall S10/508) The town of Schwäbisch Hall acquired significant territory during the 14th, [...] increased to approx. 100 000 hundredweight per year by 1800. Schwäbisch Hall had the largest saltwork in south-west Germany at this time. View of Schwäbisch Hall from Matthäus Merian, 1643 (Signatur: Stadtarchiv[mehr]

Last changed: 17.05.2024
wilkommensflyer_spanisch_2018.pdf Tel. 0049 791 751-386 ¡ Bienvenidos a Schwäbisch Hall ! La Iglesia de St. Michael y el casco viejo Teatro al aire libre en Schwäbisch Hall Galería de Arte de Würth Museo Johanniterkirche [...] octógono representa su uso de entonces. Hasta hoy se celebra la tradición de la salicultura en Schwäbisch Hall – por ejem- plo durante la Fiesta de Pastel y Pozo en Pentecostés, el Día de la Sal en otoño [...] Piscina de Salina – uno de los lugares de bienestar más populares de la región. La agua salina de Schwäbisch Hall tiene un contenido en sal de 3,5 a 4% – además de ser agradable para la piel, los bron- quios[mehr]

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Last changed: 12.09.2019
Staff requested

Schwäbisch Hall - The Global Market Leader in the Region The business area of Schwäbisch Hall and Hohenlohe is one of the dynamically growing regions of Baden-Württemberg. Economy is rising, the number [...] of information about working and living in Schwäbisch Hall and Hohenlohe there. To facilitate your entry into your profession, the Goethe Institute of Schwäbisch Hall offers different systems for learning [...] rate of unemployment is currently at 3.3 % (as of February 2012). In January 2012, the town of Schwäbisch Hall invited foreign journalists for a visit to be informed about the lack of professional forces[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023
The sectoral mix

In the Heart of Europe - Home from Home The beautiful landscape around Schwäbisch Hall is immediately apparent. Slightly off the beaten track, the city on the Kocher river is renowned as a centre of innovative [...] to this: located in the triangle between the cities of Stuttgart, Frankfurt/Main and Nuremberg, SchwäbischHall is not far away from the centres of southern Germany. Close to the the major motorway routes [...] Nuremberg - Prague), the A 7 (Flensburg - Füssen) and the A 81 (Würzburg - Stuttgart - Lake Constance), Schwäbisch Hall is ideally linked by an eastern and western bypass. The industrial estates as well as the[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023

culture and conservation of monuments and historic buildings in Schwäbisch Hall Architecture and conservation are highly regarded in Schwäbisch Hall - especially in the unique historical centre. The historical [...] construction department of the town of Schwäbisch Hall protects the architectural heritage and guides future developments. The architectural association of Schwäbisch Hall informs about the subject of co[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023

Schwäbisch Hall, learning place for people from all over the world A Goethe Institute was established in Schwäbisch Hall in 1965. It is accommodated in a vast historical building in the centre of the old [...] know people, country, culture - this is the common task of all Goethe Institutes. The fact that Schwäbisch Hall will host the only provincial town institute remaining in Germany is evidence of the excellent [...] students from all over the world is made in the canteen and the cafeteria. The Goethe Institue in Schwäbisch Hall. Photo: Nico Kurth People from all over the world study here. Photo: Nico Kurth Info Goet[mehr]

Last changed: 17.05.2024
Fairs and congresses

Experts already regard the congress in Schwäbisch Hall as Germany's Davos. The cluster of leading packaging companies also uses the conference capacities in Schwäbisch Hall for their regular business meetings: [...] congresses enable the direct, personal exchange of knowledge and opinions in order to create new ideas. Schwäbisch Hall provides opportunities to make new contacts away from anonymous conference hotels in major [...] smaller and larger events. A successful conference is rounded off with a coherent support programme. Schwäbisch Hall offers a wide range of opportunities here too: they range from art and culture to sport and[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023

Art In Schwäbisch Hall you may encounter artworks at every corner. Many exhibition sites, sculptures in the townscape and of course the ancient or modern architecture provide a broad range of visual arts [...] exhibitions of nationwide significant contemporary art since 1976. In 2002, the arts association of Schwäbisch Hall adopted the sponsorship of the gallery that had before been maintained by the magistrate. [...] to the work of Hall's painter D. Franck (1909-1985), opened in 2007. The artists' association of Schwäbisch Hall and the Hohenlohe art association are active at various exhibition sites, notably in the Haalhalle[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023
Festivals and Celebrations

n Hafenmarkt 3 74523 Schwäbisch Hall Telefonnummer: 0791 751-600 E-Mail schreiben Kontakt Wirtschaft, Touristik & Liegenschaften Tourist Information Hafenmarkt 3 74523 Schwäbisch Hall Telefonnummer: 0791 [...] Cake and fountain festival. Picture: Nico Kurth. Town festivals are a consistent part of life in Schwäbisch Hall. Whatever your preferences, whether traditional, like the Cake and Fountains Festival, commercial [...] You are kindly invited to celebrate with us! Hall's Spring Hall's Spring. Picture: Nico Kurth. Schwäbisch Hall celebrates the beginning of spring in every year. Shops are open even on Sunday, and a diversified[mehr]

Last changed: 17.05.2024

della visita guidata: Ufficio turistico Schwäbisch Hall Hafenmarkt 3, Telefono 0049-791-751-386, Fax 751-397, Benvenuti a Schwäbisch Hall St. Michael e la vecchia cittá Il [...] Blendstatt Gelbinger Gasse Am Säumarkt Johanniterstraße Unterlimpurger Straße Zw ing er Bahnhof Schwäbisch Hall Cra Markt- platz Kino Ko ch er Ko ch er Kocher- quartier Goethe Institut Hospital- kirche [...] 0049-791-751-212, Fax 751-434 Il vecchio e il nuovo si compenetrano a Schwäbisch Hall per- fettamente: Cio si rispecchia chiaramente nel Museo d’arte Würth il cui fulcro è arte[mehr]

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Last changed: 12.09.2019



City Schwäbisch Hall

home addressAm Markt 674523 Schwäbisch HallP.O. Box 10018074523 Schwäbisch Hallwrite mail

Geoportal Schwäbisch Hall

Spätestens seit Google Maps haben Geoinformationssysteme und Geodaten ganz unbewusst Einzug in unser Leben gehalten. Wir nutzen ganz selbstverständlich Daten und Informationen mit Raumbezug für unterschiedlichste Zwecke. Die Stadtverwaltung Schwäbisch Hall stellt Geoinformationen aus unterschiedlichen Fachbereichen der Stadt einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung.

Die Stadt Schwäbisch Hall baut, unter der Federführung der Abteilung Vermessung, seit 1996 in ihrem städtischen Geoinformationssystem (GIS) konsequent raumbezogene Daten auf.

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