Search: Schwäbisch Hall


Häuserfront mit Neubausaal; Foto: Nico Kurth
Neues Globe im Unterwöhrd; Foto: Nico Kurth
Historische Häuserfront
Rathaus Schwäbisch Hall


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Searched for "music school".
Found 7 results in 6 milliseconds.
Displaying results 1 to 7 of 7.

have a good view of the former prison which today accommodates the adult education centre and the musicschool, as well as of the Kocher- quartier shopping centre. At the top of the lane you come across Gelbinger [...] PFARRGASSE The towering building no. 12 dates back to 1460 and was inhabited by teachers of the Latin school and by clergymen. If you walk straight along the street you end up in front of the Reformer Johannes[mehr]

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Last changed: 16.05.2023
Floor show and amateur theatre

Open-air performances, Georg Kistner. Some schools in Schwäbisch Hall are permanently offering theatre workshops that produce substantial results (p. e. the Waldorf school or the Erasmus Widmann Gymnasium). Amateurs' [...] author, Georg Kreisler, said it was almost a musical. The 'Literary Combo' intends to present once per month a topic from the area of literature and/or music. An 'Amateur club' was recently established [...] Kleines Theater Hall e.V. Scenes of real life, the amusing aspects of human commonness and musical elements are the means by which director and author Peter Hauser and the actors of the Kleines Theater[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023
Classical and church music

Classical and church music Practise makes perfect: The town's musicschool, founded in 1970, enjoys a very high reputation because of its excellent teachers and high-grade equipment. It is referring to [...] own new location in the House of Education and in many other venues. Music in Saint Michael's church is at the pole position of musical life. It is looking back to an ancient tradition that produces many [...] Concerts' by students of the Stuttgart Music Academy in its beautiful salesroom at Untere Herrngasse 5. Hall's symphony orchestra was founded by instrumental teachers, school and amateur musicians, students and[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023
musical town

Schwäbisch Hall, the musical town Which kind of music to you prefer? A huge number of concert organisers provide for an extensive musical supply of classical and church music or rock and jazz. Loud or [...] amateur and professional music, popular and experimental music are as highly regarded and enjoying uncontested places in the cultural programme of the town. Emphasis is put on the musical education of children [...] persons, provided by the town's musicschool and the town orchestra. Hall's symphony orchestra consists predominantly of professional and amateur musicians from the region. Music is performed at the most d[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023

castle accommodates today the Federal academy of advanced training and personnel development at schools. Options for conferences are available, call 0791 930200. The website of the Federal academy provides [...] provides many facts about the history of Comburg castle and concerts in the Imperial Hall. Music, exhibitions and literature on Comburg castle The Federal academy of advanced training for teachers organises[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023
Long Night of Arts

Catharine's churches Hall's Academy of Arts The House of Education, including adult education school and musicschool Town library Artists' association of Schwäbisch Hall Hohenlohe art associationFree aid S[mehr]

Last changed: 30.11.2023
Festivals and Celebrations

program is awaiting you all over the town with a children's flea market and a spring festival with live music. More information (german) Children's Festival Children's Festival in Schwäbisch Hall. Photo: Nico [...] in mediaeval times, while today, the whole town is turned into a huge playground. Kindergartens, schools, associations, the police: many institutions offer a varied program in the town. It is always celebrated [...] years, organised by the town and the associations of the foreign fellow citizens. National dishes, music and dances are provided. More information (german) Hall's Autumn Hall's Autumn. Picture: Nico Kurth[mehr]

Last changed: 17.05.2024



City Schwäbisch Hall

home addressAm Markt 674523 Schwäbisch HallP.O. Box 10018074523 Schwäbisch Hallwrite mail

Geoportal Schwäbisch Hall

Spätestens seit Google Maps haben Geoinformationssysteme und Geodaten ganz unbewusst Einzug in unser Leben gehalten. Wir nutzen ganz selbstverständlich Daten und Informationen mit Raumbezug für unterschiedlichste Zwecke. Die Stadtverwaltung Schwäbisch Hall stellt Geoinformationen aus unterschiedlichen Fachbereichen der Stadt einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung.

Die Stadt Schwäbisch Hall baut, unter der Federführung der Abteilung Vermessung, seit 1996 in ihrem städtischen Geoinformationssystem (GIS) konsequent raumbezogene Daten auf.

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